Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Conceptual Sculpture!

For this lesson, students were asked to create a conceptual sculpture that expressed a subject matter through only the use of non-traditional materials and the human form.
Breast Cancer Awareness
Imagination/Young Love
Strength of Love

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cropped Composition Paintings

All of my students really loved this lesson. They were able to pick a painting from a famous artist and then do some research on the artist in the library. They then cropped a portion of the painting and then replicated what they saw on a much larger scale. This lesson was to get the students familiar with color mixing, art history, the painting process, using a grid, cropping, learning about composition, and becoming more familiar with the process of painting.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fancy Falling Leaves!

Students loved this lesson because when we were done they got to hang their artwork from the ceiling in the halls! They really brightened up the halls!